This microcertificate is the first step to understanding resiliency. Students who complete the certificate will understand the foundational theories and frameworks of the following types of resilience and understand which theoretical positions to use to access methods for case study application:

  • Ecological Resilience
  • Socially Catalyzed Resilience
  • Socio-Ecological Resilience


  • Ecological Resilience
    Students will learn to demonstrate awareness of key environmental issues and the ability to communicate the principal problems the built environment causes to Earth’s systems for the purposes of broad ecological literacy and working toward bringing the built environment to operate within planetary boundaries.
  • Socially Catalyzed Resilience
    Students will grow in their understanding of how sustainability and resiliency relate to their role, their work and their communities.
  • Socio-Ecological Resilience
    Students define, explain and apply the economic, environmental and social components of sustainability and resilience. Students will be able to present complex technical information, such as scientific data, clearly to multi-stakeholder groups.


These are just a few of several learning outcomes.

Students must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and at least a 3.0 GPA to enroll. Non-native English speakers must have language scores acceptable for admission by the University of Arkansas graduate school standards.


Required Courses

  • ENRE 51203 - Foundations of Environmental Resiliency

Choose two of the three electives below:

  • ENRE 52203 - You Cannot Manage What You Do Not Measure
  • ENRE 53203 - Survey of Watershed Hydrology and Water Resource Management
  • ENRE 54203 - Business and Environment


Educational Pathways

The microcertificate can be combined with others for a graduate certificate or a master’s degree in environmental resiliency.



Tuition / credit hour $446.29
Fee / credit hour
Library $4.68
Network & Data Systems $13.10
Off-campus $30
Online Facilities $2

Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.

Certificate programs are not eligible for financial aid.


Microcertificate FAQs