LL.M. in
Agricultural and Food Law
Practice What You Eat
The demand is increasing for attorneys who understand the complex issues covered in our LL.M. program in Agricultural and Food Law. Connections between food and health, food labeling and food safety, the impact of climate change on food production, farmed animal welfare, and environmental sustainability are but some of the emerging issues affecting all levels of our food system. For over thirty years, the U of A School of Law has led the nation in agricultural and food law education.
The laws that apply to the production, marketing, and sale of the food we eat have an extraordinary impact on us all. Explore the full spectrum of law and policy from “from farm to fork” – from the perspective of the farmer, the processor, the retailer and the consumer. Included are issues of sustainability, food security and food-diet health connections.
The program offers a full range of distance components to combine the educational benefits of classroom interaction with the efficiencies and economies of remote participation. Distance students may participate in on-campus classes live through synchronous videoconferencing when scheduling permits. Classroom capture and online exercises provide a convenient alternative. In addition, the program offers innovative hybrid courses, self-paced, guided online study, and condensed on-campus opportunities.
Credit Hours
Including one credit
for a written product.
Estimated Time
to Complete
The first advanced legal degree
in Agricultural & Food Law
Full-time and part-time enrollment options.
Many ways to participate, including synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid online courses.
Full curriculum of specialized courses designed specifically for the LL.M. Program.
Admission Criteria
Applicants for admission to the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law must have earned a J.D. or LL.B. degree from a fully accredited school in the United States or a J.D., LL.B., or a substantially equivalent degree from a fully accredited school in another country. An applicant who has earned a J.D. or LL.B. degree from a law school in the United States that is not fully accredited but who has been admitted to a bar may be admitted in special circumstances upon the approval of the Graduate Legal Studies Committee.
Careers in Agricultural & Food Law
Graduates of the Agricultural and Food Law Program are among the leaders in the agricultural law community. Employment opportunities include government service; private practice representing those involved in the agricultural and food industries; regulatory compliance; advocacy and non-profit work; and education. Our network of alumni work in 36 different states and 18 foreign countries.
Tuition / credit hour | $516.68 |
Fee / credit hour | |
Library | $4.68 |
Network & Data Systems | $13.10 |
Off-Campus | $30 |
Online Facilities | $2 |
Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.
Job Market Outlook
The Pathways career data reflect career information associated with degree programs, and that data may include some jobs that require additional credentials and experience BEYOND the academic degree, including but not limited to professional licensure and certification, additional coursework, and specific training. See " About this data" to learn more about Pathways.
The Online Learner

Framing our Food System: Lawyers on the Front Lines
Lawyers have many important roles to play in the food and agricultural sector. Graduates of the LL.M. Program in Agricultural and Food Law at the University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville are active in all aspects of ...

LL.M. Program Has Decade of Experience in Distance Education
Last fall marked 10 years since the University of Arkansas LL.M. program in agricultural and food law began to use technology to expand access to the degree. Students were first allowed to join classes by video-conference in the fall of 2013 ...

Food Safety Advocacy a Mission for Arkansas Adjunct Faculty
Modern grocery stores present shoppers with a wide array of food choices, but most of us tend to think more about our food preferences than whether the options available are safe to eat. We can take food safety for granted ...

Agricultural and Food Law Students Explore Critical Emerging Issues
The overlapping food and agriculture industries have long confronted challenges in meeting the needs of markets and consumers. They are feeding an ever-growing global population with diminishing natural resources and increased inequities in consumer buying power. They face the growing ...