Student Story

Caitlin Bennett

Little Rock, AR

Graduate: M.Ed. in Educational Leadership

Caitlin Bennett

"This determination I have had over the years to do things without being told and to do them well has served me well in my pursuit of my master’s online."

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Caitlin Bennett is a teacher who is ready to take her skills to a leadership level. That’s why she is studying in the Master of Education in Educational Leadership degree program in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas.

“I feel as though I am continuing to learn about being a teacher, while also feeling confident in the classroom,” Bennett said. “I can also say that my academic drive has not stopped as I am 18 hours of coursework into my master’s in Educational Leadership with a 4.0 GPA, so far.”

Bennett completed her bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2017 then began the online master’s program in educational leadership, where she tapped into her ability to stay organized, manage her time, and balance academics and activities.

“This determination I have had over the years to do things without being told and to do them well has served me well in my pursuit of my master’s online,” Bennett said. “I do think my skills in balancing academics and activities is what has served me best in this current chapter of my life.”

Bennett was one of seven people to receive the W.E. Manning Memorial Scholarship for online U of A students for the 2019-2020 academic year. She is looking forward to her final year in the program and completing her administrative internship beginning in the fall.

“No one is there really telling me to pay attention in class or to do the readings, but I do, because I care about my career and I love to learn,” she said.

Bennett, a member of Phi Mu Fraternity, volunteered during her time on campus as an undergraduate at the Action Center Literacy Program, the Boys and Girls Club, and U of A Make a Difference Day. She hopes to one day continue to bring about this idea of volunteerism and service in her school.