Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in
Finance, Financial Management / Investment Concentration
A degree in finance provides students with a broad understanding of the role finance plays in allocating financial resources and diversifying risk. Students will understand the major types of financial instruments in the economy and the domestic and international markets in which they are traded.
Students Will Learn How To:
- Price financial assets
- Manage investments
- Analyze financial statements
- Develop empathy for customers and other cultures through a focus on global and hedge risk
They will understand the critical decisions that corporations must make to fund their operations, sustain profitability and reward shareholders.
Credit Hours
Estimated Time
to Complete
Top 30
Ranked Public
Busines Schools
BSBA in Finance – Financial Management / Investment Concentration Classification
All students are classified as pre-business with an intended major of finance until the following pre-business requirements are fulfilled:
- Earn a grade of “C” or better in the following pre-business core courses:
- ACCT 20103 – Accounting Principles
- ACCT 20203 – Accounting Principles II
- SPCH 10003 – Public Speaking
- ECON 21003 – Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 22003 – Principles of Microeconomics
- ENGL 10103 – Composition I
- ENGL 10203 – Composition II
- ISYS 11203 – Business Application Knowledge
- MATH 2043 – Survey of Calculus
- MATH 20503 – Finite Math
- BUSI 10303 – Data Analysis and Interpretation
- BUSI 11101 – Freshman Business Connections
- Complete all pre-business core courses (or equivalents) with a minimum 2.50 GPA.
- Obtain at least a 2.50 overall GPA.
- All pre-business requirements must be met prior to enrollment into upper-division business and Finance major courses.
The catalog of studies has the details on course requirements.
Some prospective students can qualify for an application fee waiver.
Tuition / credit hour | $356.25 |
Fee / credit hour | |
Library | $4.68 |
Network & Data Systems | $13.10 |
Off-Campus | $30 |
Online Facilities | $2 |
Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.
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Undergraduate Programs Office
Job Market Outlook
The Pathways career data reflect career information associated with degree programs, and that data may include some jobs that require additional credentials and experience BEYOND the academic degree, including but not limited to professional licensure and certification, additional coursework, and specific training. See " About this data" to learn more about Pathways.