Become an Administrator


This specialist degree program is designed  for those seeking district-level licensure.  The program now has a 100 percent pass rate on the first attempt for the School Superintendent Assessment (SSA). An Internship (not online) is required for system-level licensure.

Courses are offered in 8-week rotations with synchronous online meetings on Wednesday evenings in the fall and spring semesters.


AccreditedAccredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

Request Information

Apply Now

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester Admission Only

  • November 1
    (notification by December 15)
  • April 1
    (notification by May 15)

Network Across the State

The Educational Leadership program at the U of A is more than just a collection of courses. The program is:

  • An extensive network of K-16 partners throughout the state
  • A distinguished list of alumni in key leadership positions throughout the country
  • A faculty committed to providing a highly rigorous and relevant classroom experience
  • Researchers that bridge theory and practice to respond to the needs of policymakers and practitioners in the field
  • Students who are passionate about transforming schools and improving the lives of children


Admission Requirements

  • A completed Educational Leadership program application
  • A master's degree in an education-related field
  • A writing prompt inside the program application
  • Two letters of recommendation (one of which should be from a current supervisor)
  • A resume or CV



Tuition / credit hour $446.29
Fee / credit hour
Library $4.68
Network & Data Systems $13.10
Off-campus $30
Online Facilities $2

Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.

Financial Aid