Why Study Spanish Online
at the University of Arkansas?

This degree can broaden your horizons, improve your soft communication and critical thinking skills, and prepare you for a multicultural and multilingual workforce. Takeaways for students in the program include:

  • A comprehensive knowledge of the language in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
  • A critical understanding and overview of cultures, civilizations, and literatures of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • An awareness of cultural differences and nuances that enables soft skills for effective communication with people from different backgrounds.
  • Practice in the spoken language to meet employer demand for a truly bilingual workforce.
  • Opportunities for experiential, hands-on learning in service-based courses delivered online and available with the summer study abroad program in Puebla, Mexico.
  • Elective course options tailored specifically for heritage and second-language learners available, as well as service-based courses in Spanish for the Professions, to be chosen in consultation with the online BA adviser from the Spanish faculty.

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The Pathways career data reflect career information associated with degree programs, and that data may include some jobs that require additional credentials and experience BEYOND the academic degree, including but not limited to professional licensure and certification, additional coursework, and specific training. See " About this data" to learn more about Pathways.