This undergraduate microcertificate helps students connect their college major and/or minors with future career opportunities. It is offered to students in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences.

By taking this microcertificate, students will:

  • Gain internship experiences to supplement their major and/or minor.
  • Create ePortfolios and/or resumes to assist them in finding their first job and/or graduate education opportunity.
  • Create networks with employers, alumni and faculty to assist them in their career journeys.


Required Courses 9 hours

  • ARSC 3100V - Fulbright College Elective Internship
    Or an approved internship within any Fulbright College academic department

6-8 credit hours from the following:

  • ARSC 30103 - Fulbright College Career Connections
  • ARSC 32003 - Professional ePortfolio
    Or other electives related to professional development, including an additional internship, to be approved by the director.


  For students in the online BA in Interdisciplinary Studies degree program or U of A degree-seeking students:

In order to add this microcertificate, students must consult their advisers for their academic majors.



Tuition / credit hour $263.18
Fee / credit hour
Library $4.68
Network & Data Systems $13.10
Off-campus $30
Online Facilities $2

Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.

Financial Aid  


Microcertificate FAQs