Build your communication and messaging skills to boost your career and increase your value as a potential employee in various fields by earning a Strategic Media Skills undergraduate microcertificate from the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. The courses provide valuable skills to help you express yourself logically and clearly and provide knowledge about the processes that bring news and persuasive messages to print, broadcast and digital outlets.


What Students Will Learn

Students will learn to craft strategic communication plans that resonate with target audiences and align with organizational or personal goals. Based on standards set by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, students who complete this microcertificate will be able to:

  • Think critically, creatively and independently in the process of writing text and creating multimedia content for targeted audiences.
  • Gain proficiency in digital skills to convey key messages effectively.
  • Apply current tools and technologies to generate text and visuals for use in journalism, public relations and advertising.
  • Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information.
  • Understand the role of voice and movement for delivering on-camera and/or on-microphone content.


Required Courses 9 hours


Educational Pathways

Credit hours from this microcertificate could be applied to an on-campus degree program at the U of A, or students could verify with other institutions if programs will accept these courses as transfer credit.


Tuition / credit hour $263.18
Fee / credit hour
Library $4.68
Network & Data Systems $13.10
Off-campus $30
Online Facilities $2

Tuition and fees per credit hour reflect fall 2024 rates for students studying completely online. Students in online programs who take an on-campus course will pay on-campus fees, mandatory and college fees, for only the on-campus course.

Financial Aid  


Microcertificate FAQs


  For students in the online BA in Interdisciplinary Studies degree program or U of A degree-seeking students:

In order to add this microcertificate, students must consult their advisers for their academic majors.