Degree-Completion Program
for Talent Developers

There is a growing demand for individuals who can develop talent and lead teams to help organizations meet their goals. This degree-completion program aligns workforce development with human resources – a natural, valuable pairing.

Apply to the University of Arkansas, a top public research institution, and earn a bachelor’s degree that opens doors to career opportunities and personal growth. Learn to apply integrated training, organizational development, and career planning and counseling skills to the design, management and evaluation of programs. Improve individual productivity, employability, job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.

Undergraduates also obtain a solid academic base to pursue a graduate degree. This major does not lead to traditional licensure for teachers in Arkansas.

Job Market Outlook

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The Pathways career data reflect career information associated with degree programs, and that data may include some jobs that require additional credentials and experience BEYOND the academic degree, including but not limited to professional licensure and certification, additional coursework, and specific training. See " About this data" to learn more about Pathways.

The Online Learner

Three Excel in Careers as They Study Online for HR Degree

Rachel Eakins of Paragould, Arkansas, spent 18 years working in human resources for a manufacturing company in eastern Arkansas, leaving in 2020 for another HR position at a different company. She then returned to the original company last year, but she had ...

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Military to Civilian Jobs: The Role of HR

If you travel through any U.S. airport, you’ll immediately see signs of how we value our military service personnel. Gestures like priority boarding for uniformed staff are just one of many small signs of appreciation that say “thank ...

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Which Human Resource and Workforce Development Career is Right for You?

Most of us sit down and plan for the future. It’s a lifelong task. We try to make certain that we have the support and resources we need to meet our basic daily needs and fulfill our aspirations and ...

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Human Resource Online Degree Program Changing Lives

Can earning a college degree through a program delivered online change your life? Two women who recently earned bachelor’s degrees in human resource and workforce development from the University of Arkansas will answer unequivocally, yes. And, they don’t ...

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