Online Student Orientation

Online Student Orientation

Orientation introduces you to the technology, resources and support services at the University of Arkansas. The two-week, non-credit course takes place right before the semester you were admitted to take U of A classes. Faculty and staff members will help you get to know the university, find new resources and be prepared to start the semester confidently.

Important Things to Note

  • Orientation is required for all incoming online undergraduate students.
  • The course is fully online and does not require you to come to campus.
  • The course runs for two weeks right before you start your first semester as an online student at the U of A.
  • The course is not self-paced. You will need to set aside times that work for you over the two weeks to regularly participate, but you will not need to log in at specific times or dates.

Yvonne, your orientation guide

Hello. I'm Yvonne, and I will be your guide throughout the orientation course.


Is Orientation required for me?
If you are a new online undergraduate student, then yes, Orientation is required. If you already have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, you are exempt from Orientation.


Will this class affect my GPA?
No. Orientation is a non-credit course designed to help you succeed in future classes. It is facilitated by an instructor and your assignments are graded, however, your final grade will not go on your transcript or affect your GPA.


I work full-time during the day. Does Orientation require me to participate at certain times?
No. You will need to set aside times that work for you over the two weeks to regularly participate, but you will not need to log in at specific times or dates.


What will I learn in Orientation?
You will learn how to navigate Blackboard, how to post in discussion boards, how to access university resources such as the Library and Writing Center, and much more. Orientation will help you succeed in your future courses: students who complete Orientation are more likely to successfully complete their classes by the end of the semester.


I’m an online nursing student and I’ve already completed the nursing orientation. Do I still have to take this Online Orientation?
Yes. Nursing school orientation is separate from Online Orientation.

I appreciated all the hands-on practice for the various platforms that we will be using to communicate, to submit assignments, and to conduct research. Overall, this Orientation has helped me to ease some of my confusion with navigating through school.”

I was iffy about starting college, especially online. I was quite scared and lost on where to start. Now that I've complete this course, I can truly say I have an idea of where to start and how. This course really helped.”

Contact Us

For questions about online student orientation email



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 For Undergraduate Students Only

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