Student Stories
From Our Online Students and Graduates
I am actually doing five of the online programs. I am projected to graduate in May of 2027. ... My advice is to have really good time management skills and to have good self-motivation. Stay focused and always try and work ahead and, you know, don't miss any due dates. I would recommend having a planner too.”
Being an online student is definitely challenging, it takes a lot of discipline and motivation to stay on track without the structure of an in-person class. Reaching out to professors has helped me stay engaged and feel more connected to the coursework and the overall college experience.”
Online provides a flexibility for me to study on my own time. I can do things whenever I want and not be locked into a specific date and time for an in-person class. Online studying is great. It doesn’t matter if you’re local or distant. You can take online classes and not have to come into the university. You can live in another state or you can live overseas. Even in the EMBA program, we have people who live in other states. We have someone from Mississippi, a couple in Texas, some in Missouri, and they come in once a month for that Saturday class. So that's a doable thing.”
I thought this specific program sounded really interesting because they don't have that one here, and online is so much more convenient. I came across this program and talked with the advisor who actually was awesome. [...] it sounded very doable and manageable. And affordable, which was a big one. So when they explained the structure of the program to me and the types of classes I would be taking, I thought it would only benefit me. A lot of people said they’re considering doing it and encouraged me to do it, too. I’m really glad that I did. It’s done nothing but benefit me, and it will only benefit me more in the future.”
That's why I applied to the University of Arkansas. If I'm going to go through this process, I am going to graduate a Razorback. I was ecstatic when I got in and have had the best experience. This has been a lifelong dream of mine. When I graduated high school, I didn't understand the options out there. I was a good student, but I just didn't know how to take that step. Back in the day, you couldn't do online. It had to be face-to-face. I didn't have the opportunities to attend college that I have now. With the online option, I can work full-time and weave it in where I can [...]”
If you are a working professional trying to do school on the side and not give up whatever work life you have right now, online schooling is very available for you, especially if you can read through the textbooks, go through the PowerPoint slides and watch lecture videos or find YouTube examples for anything that you need to supplement your instruction. It's very doable.”
I chose an educational technology master's degree because, with COVID, I got thrown into teaching online classes, and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I felt like I was doing a disservice to my students, so I wanted to go back and learn how to teach online correctly. I learned so much more than just teaching online; I learned tools I could use with my students. I learned so much from being a student in an online program about how I want to be an online teacher.”
The M.S.O.M. skills are ingrained into every part of it. I was looking for a master's that would lead me from the chemistry side to operational management. On some projects I was being required to do, I wasn't exactly understanding how it was all working together. This was a way for me to understand what I was being asked and how all these functions work together.”
Every class involved some aspect of group work. There were people from all over Arkansas and other parts of the country. I have friends on LinkedIn I keep in touch with. At first I thought it was going to be scary, but it's not as scary as it sounds enrolling in a master's program. They make it really easy to be able to get your work done and also balance a full-time job and a family. I really enjoyed the program and meeting people.”
I can be a voice for these students, helping them to achieve in the classroom. I will continue to add more hands-on experience with the students and meet their needs. With the education I received, I will be able to help those students more.”
My planner was my best friend. When starting something new, it can be hard to adapt your schedule to what you already had going, but it's very rewarding. You will be able to do things you do on a day-to-day basis and do something a little bit extra and get your degree. It will give you a sense of pride and make you happy that you were able to juggle many tasks and still get everything done.”
I looked into several programs. U of A was the most affordable, and it looked like it would work out well. I could keep my full-time job, and it was a bonus to be a Razorback. I would definitely recommend seeking someone out who's going through the same process and having someone to lean on, complain, vent, discuss this or that.”
By offering targeted training programs in partnership with businesses and industry, these institutions ensure a skilled workforce that meets market needs. This support helps local businesses expand and can attract new industries to the area, creating broader economic benefits. Community colleges also provide accessible education, offering opportunities to underserved populations and helping close the skills gap, making them essential for both personal and regional development.”
I happened into social work by talking with some friends. I stayed on this path as I learned that I could make a difference for people in the classroom or school setting without being a teacher. I feel like this path has given me the opportunity to support families in work and the personal time to spend with my loved ones.”
I love being an educator, and I did not want to stop being one, so I chose a program that fit my life. I'm very happy with my job and my geographic location, but I wanted a doctorate, also. For someone like that, this is the program for me.”
Take your time and be sure you know that this is something you want to do. Don't go in there and think that it's going to be very easy, and you're going to breeze through it. Be sure you're dedicated to this program, and you will do wonderful.”
I could come and go as I wanted. I put aside a certain time to do my assignments. That was convenient, especially while working. I moved back home to be around family and friends.”
We cover every aspect to manage your home, whether for individuals or families. Each county has a person to assess the needs of that community. We try to improve quality of life using research-based information based on whatever people need. We tailor everything we do to today's needs. We wear a lot of hats but it's a lot of fun.”
It is the most desired degree in this discipline. I thought, why not become a master of one of the emerging issues in law? Who knows what I will get to do? I'm ready!”
In clinicals one day, I noticed my patient had a fever and some of the same symptoms I had learned about from school and seen in person. The patient was scheduled to be discharged that day, but I reported to the nurse that I thought my patient had an infection. They drew some labs and found out she had sepsis. I actually helped save a patient’s life by monitoring vital signs and reporting what I had noticed. Even though I went through my own horrible experience, I was able to pull through and help somebody else.”
Part of what I do is programming, and the majority of my co-workers are electrical engineers. When working with electricity, I wanted a deeper understanding of what I was doing. With Dr. McCann, I was really able to dive into the mathematics behind the programming I do. If I wanted to pursue more advanced processing controls, I have more understanding. The degree opens doors to future opportunities.”
What we have encountered with our students is that many fell through the cracks of school systems because they had an undiagnosed learning disability. We found ways to help them create accommodations for themselves, even without an official diagnosis. We cannot provide a diagnosis for them, but we can direct them to helpful resources and practitioners who can.”
It's a blend of business with engineering that addresses skills you need in management, including decision-making and risk management.”
I was first interested in the homeland security graduate certificate that took 12 hours. I thought, why not take the operations management degree for 30 hours? It was well worth the work to get the full degree.”
My degree is a three-part degree—sociology, rural families and communities, and history. What I've learned so far is helping me communicate with people from different backgrounds. If you don't have the same demographic, you can sometimes be ignorant of a situation.”
The realistic part for me was that I had to keep a full-time job. It was definitely the big reason for choosing the Professional Master of Applied Business Analytics. ... So for me it was just finding a good program that had good balance and high quality expectations and support. I must admit, the program is high level when it comes to support. You’re constantly being challenged academically but also being told 'People are here to help you,' and they are actually there to help you.”
The interdisciplinary degree allows us to look at problems from a multidisciplinary angle. Instead of just looking at problems head on, we can pull from different areas. In the job I'm doing now, I've been where the people that I'm helping have been. I work with the prosecutor in my county, and I work with the public defender. We're able to pool our ideas together to get the best possible help for the person.”
I feel we’re all lifelong learners, and adults learn differently than children. They have different mindsets. They’re not so passive, they’re active, and that’s really the main thing.”
For me it’s the value of the networking. I think these connections that I’m building with all of these people are invaluable because, you never know when you’re going to run into these people again, or if I do want a career change in the future. I have plenty of people I can reach out with and honestly say they would advocate for me.”
I needed something to fit my schedule, and this was perfect. I can do my work at home. I don’t have to leave my office and go to class. It works perfect for me as a full-time employee. And if I have to move on from UAPB, of course I gotta be a Hog! When I saw that letter saying ‘Congratulations, you’ve been accepted,’ it brought tears to my eyes. I know, deep down, my grandma is proud of me and what I've accomplished so far.”
It has been a while since I took classes or completed any type of education or higher learning. I have been working and having a family. I feared if I could study and do papers. Though it is a challenge to balance work, home, and school, I have learned a lot, and that was the whole goal. I was nervous how it would go, but I am doing really well. If I put in good effort, I can get good results.”
With it being 2023, I think the future is going to be technology. Being online, it helps you to kind of investigate those skills a little bit better. I know a lot of people are looking at working from home and I think doing school online can kind of prep you to work online.”
It helped me hone in on my self-discipline, I would say, because you’re not going to class, you don’t have the professor there, your peers right next to you, so you really have to have a lot of self-discipline about it. I would say I took that to my job. So, whenever I had a project due, it was already built into me from the university; I knew how to get a project done.”
We’ve always been Razorback fans. I thought it would be an awesome thing to graduate as a Razorback and I knew that the University of Arkansas had a great online program so that’s why I chose to go with the University of Arkansas.”
The things that I would study and learn I would be able to put immediately into practice. And it kept me on the cutting edge of the current literature as far as research goes. I was able to apply that immediately day in and day out in my job.”
I would tell someone else, just do it. Whatever fears you have, whatever is holding you back, just pursue it and pursue it with everything that you have because you’re only going to regret it if you don’t.”
I learned about allocating resources, how best to allocate them. I really liked the leadership principles class. I think I work better with people, matching people with the right projects. I feel a lot better about all that than when I started.”
You always hear engineers don’t have social skills, people skills and such. We spend four years doing math. In undergrad, we dread group projects, but at work, essentially group projects are what you’re doing all day every day. We work with interdisciplinary, multifunctional groups, and you have to manage and work your way into a solution you like.”
This degree will allow me to incorporate even more activities and opportunities for my students in the classroom and being from a small school that’s invaluable for these students who might not otherwise see that.”
Taking classes from the leadership classes to quality management, project management, it’s all things that currently apply to what I was doing. It gave me a better understanding. They just really helped me grow and develop as a leader here at FutureFuel.”
“What the difference was – my only frame of experience was going for my bachelor’s and that was a lot of studying and reading and some discussion in class but this was a whole different ballgame. And I loved it. It was a whole lot of research and I loved doing that, as a writer, and it was a lot of writing, which I also love.””
If you don’t think you have time to go to college and there’s an online degree option, you could try it. I was able to earn my degree online because it was more flexible, you have time to do your homework whenever you’re free and it was just more flexible with your schedule.”
The MSOM’s technical basis was a natural fit for me working in manufacturing. Part of my job is project management. I lead a team of our engineering and maintenance group so the degree and the certificate fit right in line with my day-to-day work.”
This was the degree I wanted so there really was no other option for me. I just wouldn’t have been able to get my master’s. The flexibility was key to being able to be successful so I really appreciated that.”
I met some amazing fellow students, and we are still in contact today and I will stay in contact with those four to five individuals and that’s been my highlight throughout the entire program.”
I knew that I wanted a higher education, and I knew I was interested in analytics. Looking at the description for this degree, it matched what I was looking for and interested in. I think it is extremely accessible and very beneficial to people who are looking for that education who are not within the direct vicinity of a university.”
There's a big difference between getting an online MBA and an executive MBA program. You're surrounded by people who have already been executives. There are people who have been either where you are heading or who have perspective on it.”
I have a passion for being a role model for my girls and have an overall love of learning. I want to prove that learning and success have no age limit, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to attend the University of Arkansas.”
Being an online student is really nice. I don't stress about time as much as I did back when I was in person classes. I do not believe I could work full time in a healthy way if it wasn't for the online program.”
There’s different emphases. We've got doctors and lawyers in the program, like people from all walks of life. I think no matter the field that you're in, you can apply at least something from this program. I think that you can develop your career in any field if you do this.”
I wanted access to a Tier 1 research institution with high quality professors who are published in the field. I wanted to have good ratios and relationships with my cohort and faculty members. In every metric, the University of Arkansas was by far the best program, like, it’s not even close. Their Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program is the cream of the crop, the very best program in the world.”
A lot of LPNs really want to go back to school. When they find out that I’m in a bachelor’s program, it’s like, ‘hey, if I can get into that program, I can get a better degree in about the same amount of time as I could just an associate’s degree.’”
I can set my schedule on when and how I want to study. Like during my lunch break I can go on, I can study. I can study when the kids are asleep. I don't feel pushed to study as if I was on campus. I'm setting my time on when I want to study. It's just like I'm totally independent.”
I have definitely become more aware of the administrator's point of view. I look at the organization as a whole, not just my class, and how my teaching influences the school culture as a whole.”
So, I was concerned about an online program. But it was not as hard as I thought it would be not having that same kind of personal interaction. The content they provided, I could tell it was well thought-out and designed in such a way to be useful. I've been an advocate for the program ever since I started it.”
I was determined I was going to do it. When I started nursing school, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, but nursing education is a good fit. I have two bachelor's degrees and five minors. I'm a lifelong learner. I love being a student and a teacher.”
My roots are here. Also, I didn't have to take the GRE, and I liked my professors. I would tell anyone it's worth it. Even though it's a challenge at the time, I think it will pay off.”
There's an ungodly amount of tools available. I used the UA Libraries every single day online. It opened all sorts of resources I could pull from and interesting topics I'd never had experience with. I could really dive into what was there.”
If you are self-motivated, it's better than going to class from 8 to 3:30 every day. I worked full time, and we had a newborn when I started. It was very convenient to do online. You can study and work. I really do recommend this program.”
Special education has always been my love. This degree is enabling me to be able to go back and be an instructor of education and work preparing future teachers. It gives me a different perspective from the student to the professor side to the leadership side versus the teacher side.”
The program is really flexible. The eight-week courses mean that you're not overloaded. I came home after work and did my assignments.”
I also didn't want to leave Pocahontas. My whole family is in this area. A lot of programs in person I wouldn't be able to do. This program I could do after work and on weekends. I would tell other people to go for it, but you have to have motivation, and you have to be extremely committed. It's never a bad idea to further your education.”
This is the perfect time to do this and the reason I say that is the flexibility for the program being online is amazing. You can do it at your own pace...”
I have been plugging the special education master's degree with other teachers. Many special educators with bachelor's degrees want to go on. Doing the master's program was a way to meet other educators, to get more ideas, more ways to do things that make more sense.”
It felt right to me. I felt like it would give me something more against other people who wanted to do the same job as me as a P.E. teacher or just as a teacher in general. Having that master's program in kinesiology and physical education, I felt like benefited me the most in the long run.”
The faculty of adult and lifelong learning have a balance between Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Education and the way they interacted with each of us as students, my experience was that they were able to meet me where I was based on my previous degrees.”
I enjoy online learning as well as teaching online. This is why the online M.Ed. program suited me...I would tell anyone considering an online program to do it. I encourage my students to consider an online degree. Give it a shot.”
It's an excellent career. You have different specialties to take care of people, and it's all about good customer service. We have the best customer service doing nursing because you're interacting with patients. You want to see them get better, make progress.”
The reputation of the university was a key factor in my decision to attend the U of A; the university has very strong credentials. I made the decision that it was something that I was going to do, and the timing was right. The hybrid program makes it all possible. It is an excellent program.”
I felt driven to do it, I was so close when I left. When I was young, I let other things take priority, but I know it's never too late.”
The U of A was able to take almost all of my classes, whereas another school only wanted to take a very few credits. I just had to do a couple prerequisites before I could start my nursing classes at the U of A.”
The Walton College also has an excellent reputation in business, so it sounded like a perfect fit for me, And the online program allows me to get a full-time job while pursuing a degree. The in-state tuition and online structure are two very big factors for me, which U of A provided.”
I'm definitely going to recommend this, especially to all the moms who need flexible timings and want to get back to their careers. There are multiple options that you can do after pursuing operations management. So, for those who are looking to switch their career paths or resume after a gap, there are a lot of opportunities for this work, and it is multidimensional.”
I found the University of Arkansas Online through the U.S. News & World Report ranking of online degree programs.”
Once I realized that this is something that I would really enjoy doing, I started researching the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Supply Chain Management at the University of Arkansas. It didn't take long for me to learn that it was the No. 1 supply chain program in the country.”
You really dabble in all the aspects of business. I know that there are specialized degree plans, like supply chain or accounting, but this degree plan makes you take a class in every specialization just so you have a feel for everything.”
I think that it's great that there's a scholarship specifically for online students because, especially now with COVID, it's really given online students a spotlight and shows that online education is of no lesser value than traditional face-to-face teaching.”
After I get my degree, I’m hoping I can use the strategic management and the project management aspects of it a lot. I’ve already used some of the project management and strategic planning concepts I’m learning.”
The University of Arkansas was an undoubted choice for both my undergraduate degree in supply chain management and my Master of Applied Business Analytics because I love “The Natural State,” and the Sam M. Walton College of Business is a premier program that opens so many doors for graduates.”
I have always wanted to be an RN, and kept having obstacles that stopped me, but I am dedicated to complete this dream of mine.”
Something that I absolutely love about online at Arkansas is that I have a connection to my professors. If I need one of them in any situation, I can reach out to them and know that they know who I am....It’s something that I immensely value in an online program.”
I was so happy that I was awarded a scholarship. Every penny just makes it more affordable for me to continue toward my degree. I aspire to be a pediatric nurse practitioner, and this will help me get my bachelor’s degree so I can keep on going.”
I launched a company, Horizon Health Solutions, through UA’s New Venture Development program, and we are going through the business plan competition circuit. It’s been an incredible experience.”
When COVID initially hit the U.S., we shut down our schools and provided instruction virtually. This experience has allowed me to gain knowledge in utilizing online resources for teaching. I previously hadn’t incorporated much technology until the pandemic occurred and I had to adjust to the world of virtual teaching.”
In the nursing field, most employers require the applicant to be a registered nurse. While there are many opportunities for employment as a licensed practical nurse in long term care, finishing my degree would open opportunities for career advancement.... The end goal for my career is to work in research nursing and continue to assist in improving patient outcomes through evidence and research-based practices.”
The great thing about this degree program is it’s perfect for those wanting to move into leadership roles one day. If I want to move into an HR leadership role, I’ll have the skill set to do that.”
Pursuing a master’s with the AECT department felt natural and was the perfect fit, especially with a degree emphasis on communications. I believe that you never quit learning, never quit growing. I found the online program to be the perfect opportunity for me to continue my education while continuing to work full time.”
Online classes in the EMBA program connect my technical experience with real-world, real-time business skills and knowledge by drawing on the experience and teachings of the graduate program’s instructors. An online degree does not restrict contact to class times or specific office hours. Instead, it allows me to prioritize my time, work class assignments around my job schedule, and communicate with instructors at my convenience.”
Online was my only option. When I found that you had a 100 percent online program, I was so excited. The University of Arkansas has a spectacular reputation for excellence and academic achievement. So far, in the two semesters that I have been in school, the professors are rock stars and so helpful, and I have had nothing but a great experience in the online program.”
I think it’s a great program, especially for someone who knows what they’re wanting to do next in life, whether that be in project management or owning a construction company.”
I've told quite a few LPNs in my area about this program and several of my friends who are even out of state. I've told them to check into the U of A's program, especially with the way everyone is caring and responsive. I feel like the professors that I've worked with so far actually care about whether we pass or not. They care about if we're grasping the material. That, to me, speaks volumes.”
I feel as though the faculty are probably the best asset that the university and program have to offer. Every professor that I have learned from since last August 2020 has been a great resource, and the fact that what I’m learning can be applied the next day, is helpful for any working professional, no matter what. The faculty could not be better.”
I would (recommend this degree), especially to anybody who needs to be home, who has family obligations, preexisting professional ones or desired professional goals. I would suggest this to anybody who needs flexibility. That’s like the magic word with the online program, its flexibility and control over your schedule.”
Every time I get a chance to talk about this program, I recommend it because you can go anywhere you want with it. It’s completely open, and it’s a flexible structure. No matter what you want to study, you can do it with this program.”
The number of women in the workforce now is at the same number it was 30 years ago. Working, going to school, and being a parent is difficult during the best of times, and Covid is not the best of times. I want to help women get back into the workforce when this is over.”
When I looked at online programs, the U of A was hands-down the best 100 percent-online degree program for me.”
I believe that my education, coming from the University of Arkansas, has a significant influence on helping me to achieve my career goals.”
This program is allowing me to finish what I started so long ago and what I thought I would never be able to do – finally finish school with a degree.”
I plan on using my education to contribute back to the great state of Arkansas, specifically Northwest Arkansas.”
I hope to use what I’ve learned in the new program to assist other rural Arkansans by providing scholarships to assist them in their journey at the U of A in the future.”
I remain committed to teaching special education students because it provides a sense of worth, unspeakable joy, and an opportunity to be a learner and a leader.”
I love nursing, so for me, personally, it would be very rewarding to achieve my goal of becoming an RN.”
I have truly enjoyed my experience in the program and have gained valuable knowledge that directly impacts my career interests.”
After I complete my degree, I hope to have more confidence so that I can eagerly go after those opportunities and more.”
I’ve met some incredible professionals in education from other states that would not have been possible without this program.”
As I look to become a physical education teacher, I believe my degree has provided a greater understanding of how humans learn new tasks.”
I chose an online DNP study program, as it was flexible with my nursing career...It is a flexible program that is run by great faculty that strive on the success of their students.”
I chose to attend the University of Arkansas because I wanted to challenge myself with a rigorous curriculum at one of the best colleges in America.”
This degree will also allow me to be eligible for leadership roles such as preceptor (training nurse) and charge nurse. In my opinion, this program is the best program for LPNs who want to get to that next level.”
Earning my degree in operations management will provide a greater depth of knowledge to become an expert at my craft.”
Earning my bachelor’s degree in nursing will give me further job flexibility as a registered nurse and is the next step in the process of becoming a nurse practitioner.”
I have always had a passion for teaching and leading my community in the right direction. (This program) will enhance my ability to become a better leader for the adult learners, my children and the community.”
[This degree] will mean I am well-equipped to take what I have learned and spread my knowledge in the classroom or gymnasium as a teacher.”
Due to the flexibility of online classes offered with the University of Arkansas, I worked full time yet earned a 4.0 GPA and made the Chancellor’s List.”
In this program, I have learned new concepts and ideas and teaching strategies that I can’t wait to integrate into my own classroom.”
This program will allow me to grow and develop into a competent Registered Nurse who can provide total care to a patient. I want to be able to do it all.”
This determination I have had over the years to do things without being told and to do them well has served me well in my pursuit of my master’s online.”
The skills I’ve learned while attending the University of Arkansas are on display daily. I know I’ve become a more effective communicator, leader and analyst.”
It is my fiercest belief that education is the foundation on which all impactful innovations are constructed.”
The U of A was an excellent opportunity for me. It’s online, it’s reputable, and it’s cost effective.”
Through the EDLE grad program at the University of Arkansas, I’ve learned I can help more than just myself.”
The staff and faculty really were focused and geared toward success for the students. They really wanted to educate people and prepare them for future careers.”
The instructors are fabulous; they understand that we have lives, we have jobs, we have kids, and they’ve always been wonderful about helping.”
I liked (studying online) a lot. It was much more organized. I could see everything (class assignments) and plan out my week.”
Degrees matter in today’s workplace. I know a lot of companies that won’t even give you an interview without a bachelor’s degree.”
I’m so thankful that I switched to the online program. … It gave me the opportunity to live where I wanted to live and go to school.”
I chose to (study) online because of the flexibility. I can work while studying, and it’s nice not being tied to one area.”
I don’t think I would have been as successful in any other online RN to BSN program. … It’s just been a great experience.”
Probably 50 percent of the concepts learned in the ops management program are relevant and utilized each and every day I'm at work.”
Without hesitation, if someone asked me if they should take an online class, I would say yes, and I would recommend the U of A.”
I love the flexibility. I love the ability to start and stop lectures when I’m taking notes. That’s not something you can do in the classroom.”
It worked with my schedule, and gave me more flexibility. If I knew something for school was coming up in about 3 weeks that was going to take up a lot of my time, I could work ahead.”
Every class and classmate contributed to enrich my knowledge and think creatively...I am grateful to the program for making me believe in myself, to reach the impossible.”
This program has opened up doors that I never thought possible. It has launched my career further ahead than I ever thought. ... I knew the analytics program at the Walton College of Business would give me the knowledge I needed to have a tangible impact on my professional performance and capabilities.”
I really was able to work at my own pace and kind of pick and choose the classes that I thought were the most relevant for my position.”
One thing I enjoyed about the program was its mixture of mathematical concepts with cost analysis and finance, combined with project management and operations principles.”
By Chapter 2 of the very first course, I was bringing my textbook into the office and applying the data analytics concepts.”
I know that the knowledge and skills gained through the MSOM program will undoubtedly give me a competitive advantage in order to move forward in my career.”
The one thing I like most about the format of the online program at the University of Arkansas is that I can still see my professor. I can interact, I can raise my hand, I can be involved in discussions, [and] I can see and learn from the other people who are in my class.”
It means the world to me to be part of that tradition. I’m so thankful the U of A had that (online) program. I started there, and I really wanted to finish there.”
The M.S.O.M. degree is more than a bullet on my resume...Each class was an eye opener that made me curious to learn more.”
I was amazed and impressed by the quality of the curriculum, the immediate and continual feedback from professors, peer collaboration projects, and the wide array of skills I developed.”
I have already been promoted three times in less than two years with my current employer, and my experiences at the University of Arkansas have been a huge part of my success thus far.”
I decided to pursue a Master of Human Resource Development in Human Resource and Workforce Development because of my high interest in working with people, the most crucial resource of any business in the world. I want to continue to coach football for a long time, and part of coaching is managing people in groups and sub-groups that all have a common goal: winning.”
The completion of my Master of Science in Agricultural and Extension Education degree has provided relational and financial advancement at Tyson. I have the great pleasure of working on an agricultural project in Haiti. The project actually began with a grant proposal I completed for one of my classes.”
Any administrator will tell you that they really don’t have time to go back to school and take on-campus classes. I have three kids at home, too. The online Educational Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction program lets me pursue my career goals without putting a hindrance on my family.”
The University of Arkansas provided an excellent academic program with incredible value. The professors administer online courses with the same rigor as the on-campus experience.”
This [online Master of Science in Agricultural Extension Education] program has been a blessing to me. Without the distance education program, I probably could not have gotten my master’s degree, at least not as quickly as I did. I highly recommend it for anyone who may not live nearby or works full-time and needs an alternative to sitting in classes.”
I like taking online classes because I’m a working adult. When you go to lectures in person, you can miss things or just be there physically rather than mentally. Online gives you the capacity to go back and listen to lectures a second time or go back over a specific point in the lecture to fully understand it.”
Although I was initially skeptical that the online LLM in Agricultural and Food Law program would benefit me as much as the in-person experience, the professors have done an exceptional job at encouraging participation from distance students, making me feel as though I'm sitting right there in the classroom.”
The University as a whole has a great family feeling. It's big, but it feels really small. You feel like a person and not just a number. This program has opened up a lot of opportunities within the workforce that I’m really excited about.”
I felt the curriculum of the University of Arkansas’ R.N. to B.S.N. program was superior to the other university programs I had looked at. The online experience is supported by faculty members who are only an email or phone call away, so you never feel isolated or that you are going it alone.”
This has been the best decision of my educational career. If you’re not able to be at the U of A, this is the next best thing. I have nothing but positive things to say about the online classes, the advisers, and everything about the online BSBA program.”
While his daughter was earning her bachelor’s degree from the College of Engineering on campus, Jonesboro engineer Andrew Hill earned his master’s degree in engineering online. The knowledge he gained from the program helped him earn a promotion.”
Technology is going to continue to impact all aspects of education, from the way students learn to how instruction is delivered. By completing the U of A’s online master’s in educational technology program, I have the skills that will help my students advance in these areas.”
You have all the same tools that a traditional student has, but you have the luxury of being able to pursue a career while getting a degree at the same time. It allows me to gain experience and develops me as a business professional.”
If the Master of Science in Food Safety program had not been available online, then I would not have been able to earn my degree. I had a family to tend to, in addition to work responsibilities. The U of A was the most economical choice and has an awesome reputation in the industry.”
Vicki Studstill, vice president of marketing for an engineering and construction management firm in Mobile, Alabama, attended the University of Arkansas after graduating from high school but didn't complete her degree. The university's online degree-completion program gave her that opportunity.”
I actually have two brothers that are also engineers, and all three of us agreed that we would do the master's program together. So for me, it was a way to keep connection with my brothers through the online program and also see how they were accelerating.”
There are a lot of online programs to choose from, and some are better than others. The online Master of Education in Special Education and Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis programs at the U of A prepare you very well to work in the field.”
The University of Arkansas is well-known within the poultry industry, with many graduates working at high levels within many different poultry companies. The curriculum includes basic fundamentals for food safety, while at the same time including new developments within the industry.”